Do You Ever Suffer From Imposter Syndrome?

Do You Ever Suffer From Imposter Syndrome?

Yes! I think being a creative gets you free admission into the Imposter Syndrome (IS) club!

I've found that every time I 'level up' in my art journey there's that nagging voice saying 'who do you think you are'? I've come to understand that whilst I'm super pragmatic/sensible in most every other area of my life, when it comes to managing thoughts around my art - I seem to trip up big-time. Speaking to other artists, they too have moments of 'wonky' thinking' - truth is we're not that objective when it come to judging our work or worth.

I have had some of the below ideas on rotation at various points in my art journey:
I don't have any formal art training so being self-taught has always felt somehow less legit. I'm not a fine-artist so it's harder to back myself being an abstract artist. Periods of self doubt, do I have any talent at all; will I be able to paint an artwork as good as 'x' again; how has this stockist/gallery allowed me to join them; I'm just a hack artist; I'm going to run out of ideas; I'm not creative/gifted and plenty of other super unhealthy commentary that I wouldn't dare say to another artist in like a zillion years. Why do we do this to ourselves!

So what's the verdict - for me it's totally normal to feel out of your depth. Particularly when you're starting out or stepping up - this is when IS is the loudest. I remember when I approached my first gallery, I was so reluctant as I didn't think my work was good enough. I have to thank @helendean_art for encouraging me, saying you are ready and your work is good enough. Even crazier still, I'm now seeing my name next to artist’s (gallery/stockist websites) that I have long admired, who are now my peers - how did that happen?

So what do we do with IS? It's simple. Acknowledge it, but then refuse to let it cripple or stop you moving forward. Kind of like how you deal with fear.

For me, rather than listening to the loudest voices in the room - listen to the truest voices. Next next time you're having an 'imposter' or 'unhelpful' thought, instead of believing it, maybe hold it up to the light of truth and ask yourself is that really true?

Love to hear how you combat IS?

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