Is This Shaping Up to be a Tough Year in Art?

Is This Shaping Up to be a Tough Year in Art?

This week I’ve been feeling it – I’m finding my art is ‘sticking’ around just that little bit longer than I'd like. Yes, I've had art sell this month including one via a platform I’ve not utilised in recent years. But on the other hand, there's been this growing collection of small disappointments. Welcome to the rollercoaster ride that is art.

To be specific, I've had artworks in two galleries and one art show this month. I've sold one painting out of seven on offer. Problem is, in comparison to last year, I sold out of multiple works at this same gallery and art show in a hot second. I'm trying to convince myself that it’s not me, and that it's just the current environment. But get me on a bad day, I'm questioning everything, wondering do I need to change in some way?

I think for many of us, after a heady 2-3 years of selling a lot of art during Covid, it's now tricky as we figure out how to navigate this next season. After some 10 interest rate hikes in a row, it’s definitely starting to 'bite' out there. In particular, I’m noticing a lot of artist’s are having sales and I’m just sensing a shift out there.

I thought I’d be clever and pivot, painting smaller sized canvases just to accommodate the current market, but it’s been a little bit hit and miss so far, so now what? What’s the strategy moving forward? I'm also mindful that I am in a place of privilege, because I don't rely solely on art for income. For those that are full time, there's obviously an added level of pressure in this type of market. Add to the mix IG's continual changes, which seem to be making it even harder for artists to reach their audience.

Wondering if you’re feeling it too, and what strategies you’re looking at in order to get through this next crunchy period?

Of course it won’t last forever - just got to make it through 💜

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